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What tools and methods are used to cut PVC soft glass?

Publish Time: 2021-11-01     Origin: Site

    Vibrating knife automatic cutting machine

    For the cutting and cutting of PVC soft glass, you can also use a vibrating knife automatic cutting machine. Manual cutting of composite materials like PVC is too inefficient. Like some special-shaped cutting, not only the efficiency is slow, but the accuracy will also be reduced; manual cutting and typesetting materials waste more many.

    The efficiency and accuracy of laser cutting are higher than manual cutting, and there is no problem with typesetting, which can save materials and reduce waste. However, laser cutting has peculiar smell, easy yellow edges, heavy smoke, high pollution, and is not environmentally friendly.

    The vibrating knife automatic cutting machine has high cutting efficiency, about 5 times faster than manual, about 2 times faster than laser; high cutting accuracy, with an error of less than 0.02mm; high tungsten steel blade cutting, can cut any special-shaped material; intelligent typesetting system, Save more than 10% of materials; environmental protection and pollution-free.

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